CTF Widefort

The original that started it all. Home of the Cowgod. The widest fort of them all. This 2fort hack opens up the center yard to reduce the choke, widens the birdge to match, and includes all new routes around and in the base to help break up intel camping. It may not be perfect, but for my first mapping project I'm pretty proud of the results. I set out to give 2fort more breathing room, a less campy spawn and intel, and some relief from snipers. Though the snipers may still have lots of sight lines, sinlge sights no longer have view of the entire field at once and I beleive that I did a fairly good job in relieving the camp in the team bases.

CTF Food Fight

Food Fight is the map I've spent the longest on so far and has been the practice ground for a lot of my map development learning. This urban themed map pits two competeing restaurants against eachother in a bid to steal your opponent's secret formula and leak their health reports. Urban eateries are the thematic focus here with cafes, food court, and more forming the routes around a city plaza. Development is ongoing and the focus of my weekly mapping streams on my twitch.

3CP Cobble Crag

In my free time, I've been putting together a more traditionally themed TF2 map and Cobble Crag is the WIP for that. Focused around an Australium mine and Australium powered generators in the team base. The mine and spytech theme is meant to be pretty simple so that I can just enjoy making maps for a game that I really like.

KOTH Micro

This one is just a little joke that I did for fun. It's a small, fast and frantic koth map. Nothing too fancy, but it is very fun for a goofy deathmatch and it was fun to make.

CTF Yeti Lake

To celebrate the first anniversary of Widefort's release, I hosed my own map jam. The randomly generated theme was a Smissmas forest CTF map and Yeti Lake is my effort to that end. Two cottages on either side of a frozen lake hold the intel and the icy waters will hurt you as you swim through and above, the terrifying yeti train rumbles across the bride with a cart full of stolen Smissmas cheer.